From a cosmic upheaval to a microcosmic revolution

We are all very familiar with the signs of the zodiac and the horoscopes with which a popular astrology floods us both on the airwaves and in most newspapers.

This astrology, although quite succinct and limited, nevertheless bears witness to a reality within which we evolve. Indeed, as a human being, as a personality, we live within a small world, in a microcosm which is our own starry sky. Within this sphere, many influences manifest themselves, both planetary and karmic or social.

But we would like to consider Aquarius, not so much on the level of astrology as on that of astrosophy.

On a macrocosmic level, our earth evolves in a field of manifestation also subject to influences which are external to it. Over the millennia, our planet has gone through different eras that we will return to later.

The era we are entering is under the influence of the zodiac sign of Aquarius, meaning in Latin: belonging to water, the water bearer.

But at the same time Aquarius, in astrology, is an air sign, which means that its main influence is felt above all in the subtle spheres of both the world and our own little world, in areas that some traditions call the ether.

Moreover, the era in which we live has a very special importance, since it is located at a strategic hinge: our manifestation has in fact reached the nadir of materiality, the lowest point of its descent into matter and it must now gradually « rise » towards a universe of Light.

We can say that each new era of manifestation presents to Human being a new possibility of realization. A door opens onto the completely other and allows him to access a state of freedom. Of course, the choice always belongs to him completely, but a return to the past or stagnation are impossible.

When do we date the beginning of the Age of Aquarius? Well, the opinions of specialists differ somewhat! For some it began in the first half of the 20th century while for others it has not yet truly begun.

If we base ourselves on the chronology of the Great Pyramid, the world and humanity have truly entered the Age of Aquarius since December 2001. The entry into a new millennium undoubtedly marks a break, but the Age of Aquarius does not appear « ex nihilo ». And in a certain way, the premises, the preparations for this era of influence have already been felt for some time. On a spiritual level, for example, we can say that personalities like Rudolf Steiner, Helena P.Blavatsky or Max Heindel, for example, have carried out real pioneering work, precursors.

This date of 2001 marks at the same time the end of the era of Fish which, 2000 years ago, with Christianity, put an end to what we call antiquity.

The revolution brought by Christianity was so profound that it is possible to speak of a pre-Christian era and a post-Christian era.

The phenomenon « Christ » is so fundamental for our wave of human life, that it marks the zero point of time and that it generates a new religion.

In the same way, the Aquarian impulse begins to generate a formidable revolution. It pushes the whole world to the realization, to the completion of this Christ impulse, to the act.

Just as in the Renaissance a heliocentric conception of the world emerges in opposition to the geocentric vision that was current, so, in the era of Aquarius, a new humanism must be realized. It is based on the revelation of the perfect man, of the solar man, of the microcosm man.

To illustrate this, in the Renaissance, Giordano Bruno said this:

« It is not the earth, but the sun that is at the center of the solar system! The sun is the window open to the light of infinity… and the heart of man contains the solar principle that must be reconnected to the sun of suns »

In our time, Mr. Jan Van Rijckenborgh says this: « Buried in man, there is a complex of secret forces that carry within them the potentiality of a perfect creation. This set of marvelous forces, as well as their properties, in relation to man in manifestation, has been called minutus mundus, or the small world, the microcosm. When, through a true life, man brings these properties, these forces, to their development, it results in its vehicles a great modification that we call in our philosophy illumination or spiritualization….

And you will understand that a modification in our microcosm must go hand in hand, according to natural law, with a modification in the macrocosm. « 

According to the well-known hermetic adage indeed « as above is below »

We are currently, yes we are in this particular period of transition between two eras: between the era of Pisces and the era of Aquarius. But the passage between these two takes place first of all in a kind of chaos where the old wavers but where the new has not yet entered the phase of realization. At first, this chaos can seem disturbing:

All the certainties, everything that was established wavers, but also everything that was fixed, crystallized. In fact, this chaos allows the emergence of completely new potentialities, it becomes possible for us to write a whole new page in our long history!

Because as the Gospel says « you don’t put new wine in old wineskins »

On a zodiacal level, during the round of the earth around the sun in a year, the sun projects itself into the sky and travels through the different constellations of the ecliptic. (Each month a new sign and its influences as they are presented in the horoscope).

But we do not want to talk about this annual movement through the signs of the zodiac but about this infinitely larger circuit where the eras last about 2000 years and where a complete cycle does not take place over a year but over a period of 26000 years. And we are reaching the end of this 26000 year cycle, hence the very particular importance of our time!

The earth has three movements:

1. it performs on the one hand, a rotation around its axis in 24 hours which determines the day/night rhythm.

2. on the other hand, it makes another rotation around the sun in 365 days which determines the 4 seasons that we know.

3. and finally, the movement of this axis of rotation, which can be compared to a spinning top movement, extremely slow on a human scale since it makes a complete rotation in 26,000 years. Thus nowadays, the North/South axis of the earth is directed towards the polar star, but this has not always been the case and in 13,000 years for example it will be directed towards the star Vega. It is this rotational movement that now orients our world towards the constellation of Aquarius.

A little over 2000 years ago the passage took place between the constellations of Aries and Pisces. A little over 4000 years ago between the era of Taurus and the era of Aries

In correlation, we can understand why at a certain time

– the bull could appear as a mythical animal (ancient Egypt, cult of Mithra etc.)

– why the importance of Aries, this animal with the golden fleece for the Greek period for example.

– Why in particular in the Old Testament the image of the lamb comes back so frequently

– And finally why in the Gospels, the fish, the fishermen hold such an important place.

Now let us ask ourselves, what does the era we are entering evoke for us: Aquarius? What are its characteristics?

Fluidity, as we mentioned earlier, characterizes Aquarius (water and air) and its influence is initially focused on the subtle spheres. The current and future revolution no longer concerns the material spheres as much as the spiritual spheres of our universe; this fluidity of Aquarius is in line with our era entirely focused on communication and on an individual level, it mainly concerns our subtle bodies, and in particular, our energy or etheric body.

On a macrocosmic level, our era strongly feels the influence of the so-called Mystery planets, which are:

Uranus (discovered in 1781 on the eve of the French Revolution),

Neptune (discovered in 1848, a revolutionary period that was also turbulent) and

Pluto (discovered in 1930 shortly before what was called the Second World War, which changed the face and the entire organization of the world).

These planets of the Mysteries act on the entire cosmos and of course also on the interiority of man:

Uranus is in relation with his heart which we can currently say is « broken », since the heart of the human being, center of his microcosmic being and originally center of the temple of the soul, is now under the influence of the consciousness-me in what it has of most limited and most egocentric. The influences of Uranus push the Human to restore what we can call the sanctuary of the heart.

Neptune influences the sphere of the head and its radiation allows a sclerotic and hyperactive mind to open up to another knowledge, to access a another dimension, to what we can perhaps call the true intuition that constitutes mercurial intelligence. Humans restore the sanctuary of the head to its rightful place.

Finally, Pluto, through its intense radiance, allows the realization of what we can call man/light. Pluto’s strength is immense and pushes man to break all chains, to explode structures to allow the divine plan of origin to be realized, that is to say to allow man to restore his former glory and to reunify the triple temple: the Body, the Soul and the Spirit.

Aquarius, we see, is both the most absolute chaos and total freedom!

It is a disorganization and total destruction but also a reconstruction.

Aquarius, the bearer of living water pours out his pitcher of renewing water on humanity and pushes it to a real transformation, yes even to a revolution! Aquarius, an air sign, with its head in the stars, floods the world with a destructive and regenerative fire at the same time.

A breath of freedom pushes people to react, to rebel, to want to change their lives.

New paradigms appear, established scientific theories become obsolete in the face of a new perception of things and the universe.

Human beings aspire to total freedom, both externally and internally.

Externally, we objectively see things changing. We can think, for example, of the Schumann frequency, which corresponds in some way to the pulse of our planet Earth (i.e. the vibration of the electromagnetic field that extends from the surface of the Earth to the ionosphere). The Schumann resonance was 7.83 Hz for a long time and today it exceeds 13 Hz, it has almost doubled!

We can also see a very rapid change in the evolution of climates.

This certainly concerns a cosmic level, but also our individual level. We feel it strongly just like every living being, especially in the phenomena of time acceleration.

Let us also think about this other scientific discovery that is essential for our understanding of consciousness, which is the principle of quantum uncertainty (each time you observe an electron, for example, it moves in a different way, that is to say that the very act of observing has an impact on what we observe and modify it). This discovery is not without consequences for us as individuals. It challenges us on the reality that we perceive, which not only is not immutable but also depends entirely on our consciousness, on our perception!

In parallel with this we can also place the experiments that the Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto carried out with water. He shows scientifically by photos of frozen water crystals that the words that are spoken influence the shape of the crystals: a beautiful word (love or gratitude for example) generates the formation of a sumptuous crystal while a hateful word will generate chaos.

Now if we think about the fact that we are made up of 70% water we can also realize the impact that our thoughts have on our being, our life and on the world as well.

Because everything that exists in the universe vibrates on a single frequency. Nothing is separate in the universe. If we truly become aware of this fundamental unity then we can use the key to the fundamental turnaround of Aquarius!

Then living water becomes a regenerating fire!

Let us dwell a little on this “living water” aspect.

We know the importance of water since it is at the origin of all life, of all manifestation. As such, it is the primordial mother, the mother of the living.

In Hinduism, the God Vishnu allows all manifestation to appear by churning an ocean of milk, says the myth!

All life on earth comes partly from the mixing of water with earth. This is the densest aspect of manifestation: life is born from the sea (the amniotic fluid in which the embryo develops is very close to sea water in its composition)

And on the other hand it also comes from the mixture with the element of fire: living water which represents the particle of eternity present in the heart of each human being and which the Rosicrucians call the spark atom of Spirit.

On this level let us think of Neptune/Poseidon who is one of the most significant illustrations. He is, in fact, both a marine creature, the god of the sea, and at the same time he brandishes a trident and manifests the triangle of fire of the spirit;

In myths and legends the regenerating water of springs and fountains occupies an important place, whether among the Celts, the Greeks or the Romans.

But it is almost always the element of fire which is at the origin of the gushing of a source (myth of Mithra striking with his staff – which symbolizes the element of fire – the rock (the earth) to make a source of living water spring forth!)

Whether on a cosmic level or on a microcosmic level, water is omnipresent.

We ourselves are made up of 70% water!

The UN has designated 2005 as the year of water and the beginning of the decade of water!

We are all indeed confronted with problems of water shortage and restriction or on the contrary of too much abundance or even water pollution.

We are gradually moving from an era of struggles for energy, a war of fire in a way, (oil, various minerals) to a war of water, ideally drinkable and pure water, therefore tasteless, without traces! But is this water pollution that we are so often confronted with not a reflection of our own pollution? Does it not simply reflect the pollution of the human soul?

The living water of Aquarius is both a purifying and dissolving element, it is water in its purely watery aspect;

But this living water becomes a fire when it causes regeneration, when it “coagulates” to use an alchemical term;

The purifying water washes us of all defilement, both on a physical and psychic level.

Let us think of the ablutions that precede entry into a temple and this in many traditions. Let us also think of the purifying role that the sea plays for many human beings who come there to regenerate during their holidays.

Let us also think of the lustral water of baptism, of the first baptism, that of John. It seals the birth of the soul, of the first soul, the natural soul. It also seals its rebirth.

Then comes the fire element and the second baptism which is that of Christ and which refers to the fire aspect of water, that is to say to the Spirit.

From an animating and centrifugal principle, we move to a dynamic, radiant principle.

With Aquarius, entry into a new era of realization becomes possible.

Aquarius places us above all in front of fluidity, communication opening the door to a whole new manifestation

This new manifestation, how can we envisage it concretely?

We have already mentioned it somewhat a moment ago, with:

– on the one hand, the effect of the influence of Aquarius (and the 3 planets of the Mysteries) is felt on the whole world and on the other hand also on our corporeality and our three centers of consciousness: the heart, the head and the pelvis. This is, in fact, the great revolution that we must carry out: the total renewal of our three sanctuaries and their unification in absolute harmony. This is also called the reconstruction of the triple inner temple.

– Now, what means do we have to achieve this?

Here too, we have somewhat mentioned it with the experiments carried out on water, this means is quite simply our consciousness. Indeed, from the moment it becomes « lucid », one could say, the great inner revolution can begin!

– and the how is thanks to the strength of Aquarius, thanks to its living water or fire or spirit aspect. We can only truly understand this force of Aquarius internally if we perceive it as the culmination, the completion of the Christ impulse. The how is thanks to the work of « transformer » that a Spiritual School carries out. Because, if the transformation that we must accomplish places us before a true self-freemasonry, we are not separated from the rest of humanity and it is in a group that the breakthrough can really be made. This finally leads us to the last fundamental aspect, that of communication, places us before our responsibility both towards ourselves and our becoming a true human being and towards the world and humanity.

To conclude this text, we would like to quote these few words from the Gospel of Thomas:

« Let him who seeks, do not stop seeking, until he finds,

And when he has found, he will be troubled, and he will be amazed and he will reign over the All. »

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