Hermes Trismegistus, the father of Egyptian and Greek philosophies, from which the fundamental values ​​of Western civilizations come, tells us:

“God makes Eternity, Eternity makes the World, the World makes Time and Time makes Becoming.”

  In one sentence, he tells us the meaning of a process that goes beyond us, but of which we are nevertheless the actors.

  It all begins in the unity of God, the causeless cause of all things.

God represents eternal Good, but as Jacob Böhme says in « The Way to Christ », « If the hidden God, who is only a single essence, had not come out of himself by will into Time, in a discernment in life which is a struggle, how could it have had knowledge of itself?

Also, at the end of a cosmic night and at the beginning of a day of manifestation, God launches this process of creation that Hermes tells us about, a process which will result in the human being created in his image.

It is a mirror that allows God to know himself, an instrument by which he can develop his awareness of himself.

  This cycle can be represented by the Zodiac and its 12 signs. It begins and ends with the sign of Pisces which symbolizes the ocean of primordial matter which will give rise to the World.

And on this ocean floats the ark which shelters the monads, the sparks of life.

Indeed, for there to be creation of life, two opposing and complementary principles are always necessary:

Positive/negative, masculine/feminine, spirit/matter…

One, the Father of the Living, will lead the development of consciousness.

The other, the Universal Mother, will supervise the construction of the World up to Man who must become the bearer of this consciousness.

  Mme Catharose de Petri, in “La Parole Vivante”, tells us:

« God the Father, once upon a time, cast man far from himself into immeasurable space in the form of an independent divine spark so that he undertook the pilgrimage which must lead him from unconsciousness to omniconsciousness. »

This monad contains two development paths:

One, automatic, starting from the origin and bringing it to the depths of matter.

And another, conscious and voluntary, marking a return to the initial point.

  Immortality must result from self-realization in order for God’s plan to succeed to perfection. The mortal personality therefore had to be constituted by forces external to itself, to then achieve consciousness of itself, and then, in this growing consciousness, become accessible to good and evil. Then she had to go through countless experiences, so that the true Self would appear and ultimately the Mysterium Magnum, the Great Work, could begin:

The process of resurrection, the transmutation of the mortal entity into an immortal entity.

(The Powerful Signs of God’s Counsel).

  So for this plan of development of consciousness to be realized, the monads needed a vehicle, a body, in which the Spirit could manifest through them, constituting the triple Original Human: Body, Soul, Spirit.

This is why God projected his Spirit into the ocean of primordial matter, launching a process that would result in human beings.

  Science today speaks of the Big Bang, this explosion which took place 15 billion years ago within the “soup” of elementary particles. These are then expelled from the central sun, cool and therefore become denser. They pass through the four states of matter mentioned since ancient times:

–          Fire

–          The air

–          The water

–          Earth

Then life appeared on Earth, first in water then on land where

we find these four stages:

– Mineral

– Vegetal

–          Animal

–          Human

Finally came man with his four bodies, especially one body

mental allowing him to act individually, in full consciousness.

The monads could then incarnate. This descent of God into matter, this crucifixion on the cross of nature, is described in the myth of Prometheus who gives divine fire to Humanity with the effect of finding himself chained to the rock of matter, an eagle devouring him the liver every day, symbolizing the cycle of reincarnations.

  But Hercules, the man on his initiatory path, frees him and thus allows him to regain the divine state.

  The task of the human being was therefore to achieve the union of spirit and matter. After having undergone an automatic process, he had to through self-realization, achieve self-consciousness.

  Initially, humans were aware of being a god.

Human in nature, although animal in physical self. Hence a struggle between the spiritual and the psychic, between the psychic and the physical.

  Those who conquered the lower principles by mastering the body joined the « Sons of Light ». Those who fell victim to their lower nature became slaves of matter and the « Sons of Darkness ». These latter were the seed of the Atlanteans.

  Another myth, that of Narcissus, evokes this trap into which man fell:

He allowed himself to be lured by the illusion of the world like Narcissus prisoner of his reflection in the water. He suffers because his desire for himself cannot be satisfied, he cannot grasp his image. All he would have to do is get up and continue on his way to free himself from this image which would immediately disappear.

  As Jesus says in the Gospel of Mary, « original sin does not exist. But man lives in sin when he refuses to accomplish the mission entrusted to him by God », namely his path to expansion of consciousness from multiplicity towards original unity.

  But God does not let the work of his hands perish.

Since the dawn of the human race, envoys from the Universal Fraternity have regularly come to challenge us, to remind us that we are not simply thinking animals but that we also have in our hearts a spark of Spirit which is waiting to be awakened to the life.

  Many humans have expressed this memory of a lost paradise, of an Eden where the original man Adam lived in peace with the world and its inhabitants, where the lion grazed next to the gazelle… Some wanted to establish paradise on earth, attempts always doomed to failure.

Others expressed the need for freedom felt internally through political action: Instead of liberating oneself, one tries to liberate an entire people with the excesses that one knows.

  This nostalgia is also expressed in music such as baroque music and has inspired musical genres such as Blues or Fado which express nostalgia for a perfect world.

  Finally, sacred writings such as the Bible as well as tales and legends all speak of another forgotten or lost reality as well as the story of a quest or a return to this previous reality.

  Thus, numerous sources drawn from temporal history allow us to report a memory that continues, a true nostalgia for a human condition that we would have lost in a very ancient time.

These same sources still allow us to report a journey towards this very ancient human condition to which we seem to aspire. As if our objective was to rediscover this primary condition of the “forgotten man” and the “lost homeland”.

  We live in a space-time subject to the law of brokenness, the law of “rise, shine, fall”. Birth, life, are inseparable from death.

But Hermes affirms that Time brings about Becoming…

  Indeed the divine principle is present in Time as in ourselves.

We are a dual being, a piece of eternity lies in our heart. It is the door that leads to the Original Kingdom.

  How to open this door?

It is both simple (“knock and we will open the door”) and difficult insofar as we are linked to this nature by numerous hereditary, karmic, social links…

  The key is given to us by Jesus Christ who says: “Be imitators of me” and “what I have done, you will also do and greater things”.

  We who are Men John, seekers of truth, must go to Jesus, the soul born in our heart, and experience our Golgotha, where the spirit can link again with the soul and the body to reconstitute the original triple human.

  There exists in each being a preserved and timeless domain.

  This domain is the center of the human Microcosm, which is the true stature of the Forgotten Man.

  This domain can be perceived as an atom, an atom from another space, the last refuge of the human soul.

  It is on this basis, a basis nourished by another order of consciousness which no longer belongs to time, that the current personality can respond, (that is to say knowing, daring, wanting and acting), to resolve the great question initiatory:

Who are we ? Where do we come from ? Where are we going ?

  “As soon as, somewhere in the world, through self-realization, a human being rises from the nadir of materiality and realizes the divine plan, a cry of joy resounds throughout the entire universe as proof of this effective achievement. « 

(The signs…).

  Or, as Jacob Böhme put it:

« Life is in combat, that it may be manifested and felt and found, and that wisdom may be discerned and known; Combat also serves for everlasting joy, which results from victory. For from it comes great praise in the saints in Christ, that Christ has overcome darkness in them, and all the property of nature, and has set them free from the conflict.

Thus God hath put all things into free will, that everlasting dominion according to love and wrath, according to light and darkness, might be manifested and known, and that every life causeth its own judgment.”

The Way to Christ Jacob Böhme Editions  Editions AWAC Bretagne

La Parole Vivante   Catharose de Petri   Rozekruis Pers Haarlem Pays Bas

Les Signes Puissants du Conseil de Dieu   Jan Van Rijhenborgh et Catharose de Petri

Rozekruis Pers

La Gnose Originelle Egyptienne   Jan Van Rijckenborgh   Rozekruis Pers

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